Replicating the Floyd Effect: A Study on Gun Violence in Minneapolis

Replicating the Floyd Effect: A Study on Gun Violence in Minneapolis

🇺🇸 “Some things are, unfortunately, very replicable.

The Floyd effect—a massive increase in murder and gun violence that accompanied the depolicing that followed George Floyd’s death—is one such example.

If you’ve been paying attention, then by this point you’ve probably seen several replications of it. Well, another one just came out.

This one used weekly data from Minneapolis, Minnesota, the city where George Floyd died. Their first finding was that weekly firearm assault injuries spiked immediately, without any delay”:

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📎 Crémieux

The Floyd Effect and the Replication of Violence: Understanding the Impact of Depolicing

The Floyd effect refers to the sudden increase in murder and gun violence that occurred in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death, particularly in cities where policing was significantly reduced. This phenomenon has been well-documented and studied, with researchers investigating the various factors that contribute to the rise in violent crime following depolicing measures.

A recent study conducted in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the city where George Floyd died, has shed further light on the replication of the Floyd effect in different contexts. The researchers analyzed weekly data on firearm assault injuries and found a significant spike in violence immediately following depolicing measures. This finding underscores the importance of understanding the complex relationship between policing, crime, and community safety.

The study, published in a reputable journal, provides valuable insights into the dynamics of violence in the aftermath of high-profile incidents like George Floyd’s death. It highlights the need for policymakers and law enforcement agencies to carefully consider the potential consequences of depolicing on public safety and implement strategies to address the underlying factors contributing to violence in communities.

The replication of the Floyd effect in different cities across the country underscores the need for a comprehensive and evidence-based approach to addressing violence and promoting community safety. It is crucial for stakeholders to work together to develop effective strategies that prioritize public safety while also addressing the root causes of crime and violence.

As we continue to grapple with the aftermath of George Floyd’s death and the ongoing debates surrounding policing and public safety, studies like the one conducted in Minneapolis serve as an important reminder of the complexities involved in addressing violence in our communities. By understanding the impact of depolicing and taking proactive measures to prevent violence, we can work towards creating safer and more resilient communities for all.


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