Telegram founder Pavel Durov has been in the spotlight recently after news broke that he was detained by French authorities. According to a source in the Paris prosecutor’s office, Durov is still with the judge and has not been released.
The circumstances surrounding Durov’s detention are unclear at this time, but it has sparked speculation and concern among his supporters and followers. Durov is seen as a champion of online privacy and freedom of expression, so any actions taken against him are sure to raise eyebrows.
Durov is known for creating Telegram, a popular messaging app that is known for its strong encryption and commitment to user privacy. He has been a vocal critic of government surveillance and censorship, and has faced pressure from authorities in several countries over the years.
The news of Durov’s detention comes as a shock to many, and there are sure to be calls for his release from his supporters around the world. The situation is still developing, and it remains to be seen what the outcome will be.
For more updates on this developing story, you can follow the link to the RIA Novosti Telegram channel: Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available.