A decade ago, Special Operations Command embarked on a unique project that would revolutionize their capabilities on the high seas. They began converting a modern cargo ship into a highly specialized, cutting-edge command center, mobile mothership, and forward sea base.
The MV Ocean Trader is the result of this ambitious project. This covert vessel has the capacity to house up to 209 special warfighting personnel, along with enough stores and provisions to sustain operations for 45 days. It is also equipped to refuel and replenish at sea, and can launch, recover, refuel, and resupply up to four small craft, including UAVs.
One of the most impressive features of the MV Ocean Trader is its flight deck, which is rated for day and night operations of a wide range of aircraft, including Chinooks, Seahawks, Blackhawks, Kiowas, Apaches, Ospreys, Sea Stallions, and Little Birds. In addition, the ship has storage and launch capabilities for Zodiacs, RHIBs, and jet skis.
The vessel also boasts state-of-the-art command and control facilities and food services, making it a self-sufficient and highly capable platform for special operations missions. As one official put it, βA ship, forward deployed for over a year, can easily disappear amid an ocean filled with commercial shipping.β
It is important to note that the MV Ocean Trader is not a commissioned vessel in the U.S. Navy, nor is it owned by the government. Instead, the ship is leased from one of the largest ship operators and chartered by the Military Sealift Command.
This innovative project represents a significant advancement in naval technology and operational capabilities for Special Operations Command. The MV Ocean Trader is a true testament to the ingenuity and adaptability of the U.S. military in the face of ever-evolving challenges.