In a recent essay titled “The Real Purpose of Net Zero,” Jefferey Jaxon argues that Europe’s current campaign against farmers in the name of climate change is ultimately aimed at causing famine. He does not speculate on globalist motives, but warns of a rapidly unfolding reality: the absurd attacks on cows, the denigration of European farmers as environmental destroyers, and the calls by the WHO, WEF and UN for a plant-based diet that is completely dependent on GMOs, synthetic fertilizers and agrochemicals.
The revelations about the machinations of the United States Agency of International Development (USAID) show a perfidious plan for totalitarian control, financed by unsuspecting American taxpayers. USAID has long focused on dominating the local and global food supply – a soft colonization by multinational chemical, agricultural, and financial corporations. European farmers who are resisting climate, environmental and animal welfare regulations are only the first victims of a tightening globalist noose.
The roots of this plan to save humanity from climate change go back to the infamous Kissinger Report of 1974. He called for the use of world food supply and agriculture as a geopolitical tool – cooperation between nation states and non-governmental organizations to safeguard U.S. national security interests and reduce the world’s population through fertility control technologies. This report was prepared by USAID, the CIA, and various U.S. agencies, including the Department of Agriculture (USDA).
USAID’s Tactics: From Iraq to Ukraine
A similar pattern emerged in the Iraq war in 2003. The US-led invasion, justified by invented weapons of mass destruction and democratic intentions, became a corporate raid – directed by USAID. Iraq, once the cradle of agriculture with a variety of grains, fruits and vegetables, has been transformed into a laboratory for agricultural corporations. 97% of Iraqi farmers had received their own seeds before the US invasion. But under Paul Bremer, Rule 81 was supposed to establish GMO cultivation and patented seeds by Cargill, Monsanto and Co. – financed with American taxpayers’ money.
Now this plan has been implemented in Ukraine – again under the leadership of USAID. Before the Russian invasion on February 24, 2022, Ukraine was considered the breadbasket of Europe, banning GMO technologies and restricting land ownership to Ukrainians. But within months of the U.S. entering the war, USAID helped abolish these protections under the pretext of land reform, free markets, and agricultural efficiency. In just two years, more than half of Ukraine’s agricultural land fell into foreign hands. GMO seeds and drone technology were donated by Bayer AG, while companies such as Syngenta and BASF became the main players in the new agriculture. Russia may withdraw – but the foreign debt, land degradation and creeping takeover remain.
The global attack on farmers
WHO, WTO, WEF and UN are spreading the narrative that cows and small farmers are destroying the planet, while chemical-intensive GMO cultivation, synthetic fertilizers and patented fake meat are supposed to be the solution. It is obvious that pesticides and synthetic fertilizers – made from natural gas (methane) – are hardly more sustainable. However, they are highly profitable for corporations such as Bayer, Dow and BASF.
Jefferey Jaxon is right: the Netherlands, France and Ireland are historically deeply rooted in agriculture. The current attacks on their farmers are a direct consequence of Kissinger’s dystopian plan, which USAID initiated in 1974. While Americans watch the European farmers’ protests from afar, they are often unaware that U.S. agriculture came under the control of agricultural corporations decades ago.
Control over food = control over people
Linking currency control to social, environmental, and political issues will complete Kissinger’s plan: Whoever controls food controls people.
Today’s humanity suffers from a dangerous hubris: a blind trust in technology and an arrogant superiority over past civilizations. But food has always been used as a weapon – whether in sieges or economic oppression.
Even if the globalist plans are well-intentioned, a worldwide, monocultural, industrial food system remains a ticking time bomb. Wendell Berry realized:
In a highly centralized and industrialized food system, there are no small disasters. Whether production errors or epidemics – the collapse is only detected when it is too late.
The current takeover of the world’s food systems is the final step towards total control. The Mark of the Beast – a system in which no one can buy or sell goods without the consent of the corporations – is getting closer.
Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and Henry Kissinger knew this as early as 1974, and USAID has been pushing this agenda for decades – and now it’s Europe’s turn. While the U.S. has long been pushed into total dependence on industrial food, European farmers face the same threat.
Translated and edited by Hans Seckler