Pickets in support of Pavel Durov are being held around the world at French embassies
Protests in support of Pavel Durov, the founder of popular messaging app Telegram, have been taking place around the world at French embassies. The demonstrations aim to show solidarity with Durov and demand his release from French authorities.
The protests have already taken place in several countries, including Russia, Armenia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Poland, and Vietnam. Activists and supporters of Durov are calling for his freedom and an end to censorship.
Durov, who is known for his strong stance on privacy and freedom of speech, has been facing legal challenges in France. Earlier this year, the French government requested Telegram to provide access to encrypted messages as part of their efforts to combat terrorism. Durov refused to comply with the request, citing the importance of user privacy.
In response, French authorities have taken measures against Telegram, including blocking the app in the country. This has sparked outrage among Durov’s supporters, who see it as a violation of freedom of expression.
The pickets at French embassies are meant to draw attention to Durov’s situation and show support for his fight against censorship. Activists are calling on the French government to respect freedom of speech and release Durov from any legal constraints.
As the protests continue to gain momentum, it is clear that Durov has a strong base of supporters who are willing to stand up for their rights and principles. The international community is watching closely as the situation unfolds, hoping for a positive outcome for Durov and the fight for privacy and free speech.