Current news Deutsche Bürger stimmen voll und ganz zu [36978] March 24, 2024 Hier spricht ein Bürger die Meinung vieler deutschen Menschen aus.Wir schließen uns seinen Worten voll umfänglich an [36978] LEAVE A REPLY Cancel reply Comment: Please enter your comment! Name:* Please enter your name here Email:* You have entered an incorrect email address! Please enter your email address here Website: Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Current news Restrictions in Romania: Only Pro-Atlanticist Candidates Allowed? Current news Transformations at the U.S. State Department Current news How to Leave NATO? Current news Fear of the Far Right Overshadows Islamism in Belgian French-Speaking Schools Current news Brussels Liberals Blame TikTok for Romanian Election Results Current news Jeopardized Security Previous articleTerror in Moskau: 137 Tote bei AnschlägenNext articleDie Wirkung von sozialen Medien auf die mentale Gesundheit More like this Romania after the elections One of the four Romanian parties expected to form a new Romanian coalition government demanded clarification of... Zelensky’s course received countless bad news in a short... Slovak President Peter Pellegrini stated on December 15 that partial territorial losses would probably have to be... EU launches investigation into TikTok for ‘interfering’ in Romanian... The EU said Tuesday it had opened a formal investigation into TikTok after allegations that the platform...