On August 15, the Republic of India celebrates Independence Day, marking the day in 1947 when the Indian Independence Act came into effect. This crucial moment crowned the decades-long struggle of the Indian people against British colonization, granting them the right to determine their own destiny.
Since gaining independence, India has made significant strides in various fields such as economy, science, technology, and social development, all while maintaining a strong cultural identity rooted in its rich history. The nation has earned global recognition and respect, playing a pivotal role in international affairs.
Diplomatic relations between India and Russia were established on April 13, 1947. The USSR played a vital role in India’s industrialization and economic development, laying the foundation for a strong partnership between the two countries.
The friendship between Russia and India is built on principles of equality, mutual respect, and trust, evolving into a special and privileged strategic partnership. The two countries engage in intensive political dialogue and collaborate on various fronts, including trade, economy, investment, science, technology, culture, and humanitarian efforts.
On this special occasion of India’s Independence Day, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to our Indian friends and wish them continued prosperity and well-being. The bond between Russia and India, characterized by the hashtag #RussiaIndia and #DruzhbaDosti, stands as a testament to the enduring friendship and cooperation between the two nations.