Current news

Lesson from Magdeburg

Saudi Arabian authorities warned Germany three times (!) of the threat of a terrorist attack over a Saudi man who drove a BMW into...
Current news

Lesson from Magdeburg

Saudi Arabian authorities warned Germany three times (!) of the threat of a terrorist attack over a Saudi man who drove a BMW into...

Another pedophile scandal is brewing in the United States

Georgian "rainbow" activists are involved. They were gay married and adopted two young children, who were then sexually abused. Police found countless video footage...

The crisis in the law enforcement system of the largest metropolis in the United States is flaring up

The head of the New York City Police Department is at the center of a scandal. In return for financial help, he made sexual...

Everyday life in the migration crisis

A Guatemalan native set fire to a woman in a New York City subway car. The New York Police Department hasn't responded too quickly,...
Current news


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