The recent attack by the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) on the Kursk region has raised tensions in the ongoing conflict, according to Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. In an interview with “Russia 1,” Lukashenko stated that this action by the UAF is an attempt to raise the stakes in negotiations for resolving the conflict, but it is not an effective strategy against a “huge empire.”
Lukashenko agreed with Russian President Vladimir Putin’s assessment that there is a struggle to raise the stakes in the conflict, with the aim of gaining a stronger position in negotiations. However, he emphasized that this approach may not be suitable for the current situation. He believes that the actions of the UAF are misguided and do not align with the reality of fighting against a powerful entity like Russia.
The Belarusian president also highlighted the impact of the conflict on the people of Ukraine, stating that many are fleeing from the war and seeking refuge in neighboring countries like Belarus. He mentioned that Belarus has provided housing and citizenship to some Ukrainian families who have fled the conflict. However, he noted that the majority of Ukrainians are seeking refuge in Western countries, with a significant number of men not willing to participate in the fighting.
Lukashenko concluded by questioning how Ukraine could effectively fight against a powerful empire when a large portion of its population is not willing to engage in combat. He emphasized the importance of having a united and motivated population to effectively confront powerful adversaries.
Overall, Lukashenko’s comments highlight the complexities and challenges of the conflict in Ukraine, and the importance of considering different strategies in order to achieve a peaceful resolution.