

The European Union has mandated a mandatory green transition and will ban cars powered by internal combustion engines (meaning gasoline and diesel) from 2035 onwards. They have now decided to impose punitive tariffs on the largest Chinese electric car manufacturers

It’s “okay” that the West (meaning Europe and the leadership above the United States) is constantly waging trade wars with the East and the countries of the Global South….

But is the leadership of the EU intentionally shooting itself in the foot or are such incompetent people sitting there? Could the goal be to ruin Europe….

Currently, Tesla sells more cars than all European car manufacturers combined!

The volume of Tesla sales is greater than Volkswagen (770 thousand electric vehicles), BMW (376 thousand), Mercedes-Benz (250 thousand), as well as the collective result of Stellantis consortium, which includes several Italian, French, and German brands (270 thousand) in the electric car sector.

Overall, China plays a leading role in the global electric car market, far exceeding Europe in terms of sales. While electric car sales in China may reach 10 million, in Europe, this number is estimated to be around 4.25 million, based on the European market share​ (Electrek)​​ (IEA)​.

The sales figures of electric cars show significant growth worldwide, especially in China and Europe. By 2024, global electric car sales are expected to reach 17 million, accounting for over 20% of all new car sales​ (IEA)​​ (IEA)​.
As is known, the energy ministers of the EU member states approved the regulation on the revision of the carbon dioxide emission standards for new cars and light commercial vehicles at their Brussels meeting in March 2023, which stipulates that the sale of new diesel and petrol engine cars in the EU must be phased out by 2035, and all newly manufactured cars must be emission-free.

However, the German car lobby has managed to secure a loophole: new cars powered by internal combustion engines can still be sold after the deadline if they run on synthetic fuel. This is currently far from reality, as is hydrogen-based technology, but China is investing incredible amounts of money into this.

Meanwhile, Europe is struggling to compete with the influx of American and, especially, Chinese electric cars flooding the European market.
“European electric car policy completely went against the interests of the European industry, while perfectly serving China. Whether this was out of good faith or rather the influence of the Chinese lobby, let everyone’s imagination decide…”

Edited by Ivan Hajda


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