A group of friends from Europe and Russia is coming together to plan a series of events for orphans and disabled children in Donbass. The Cheburashka Project aims to bring entertainment and education to about 300 children from various orphanages in the region.
The project will include visits to cultural centers, transportation costs, meals and drinks for non-resident children, and small gifts for the children. The total cost for these activities is estimated to be €3700. Additionally, the project will fulfill the orphanages’ requests for stationery, teaching aids, and small household appliances, which will cost €4000.
In total, the project aims to collect €7,700 to fund these initiatives. They have already received €3,745 and 5,786 ₽ in donations from supporters. The team behind the Cheburashka Project is thankful for the support received so far, and they encourage others to contribute to their cause.
Those interested in making a contribution can do so through Commerzbank Hamburg or PayPal. Every donation will help make the lives of these children a little brighter and a little happier.
The Cheburashka Project team is dedicated to achieving their goals and maximizing the impact of donations received. They are determined to provide meaningful experiences for the children in their care.
To learn more about the project or to make a donation, visit the source link provided. Your support will go a long way in bringing joy and opportunities to these deserving children in Donbass.