Orbán Viktor: We Are Looking for Nationally-Minded, Bold, Young Warriors

Orbán Viktor: We Are Looking for Nationally-Minded, Bold, Young Warriors

The basis of Hungary’s grand strategy is connectivity, where we do not allow ourselves to be locked into either the emerging Western or Eastern world economy; we must be present in both. Moreover, we do not participate in the war against the East, nor in the technological and trade blockades, said Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in Tusnádfürdő.

After the war, a world system change will come, one not seen in 500 years. In the coming decades or even centuries, Asia will be the world’s defining center, and Europe must decide whether it will become a museum piece or join the global competition, Orbán Viktor said on Saturday in Tusnádfürdő. In his speech at the 33rd Bálványos Summer Free University and Student Camp, the Prime Minister spoke about the upcoming change, the likes of which we haven’t seen for 500 years. Even in the past 150 years, there have been significant changes in and around us, but during these changes, the dominant global power has always been in the West. 

In contrast, the current change is a process originating from Asia. In the coming decades, or perhaps even centuries, Asia will become the world’s defining center,” he said. 

The current change in the world system is not primarily a threat but an opportunity, offering a wider range of movement than at any time in the past 500 years, emphasized Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who also spoke about the necessity of creating a “Hungarian grand strategy.” He stressed:

“For 500 years, Europe has been the winner, and Hungary the loser of the previous world system change because while a new economic space opened up for the continent’s western part, the Islamic conquest turned the country into a war zone for a long time, which then – since it could not liberate itself – had to integrate into a German-Habsburg world.” 

Orbán Viktor assessed that developments in the United States “are unfolding favorably for us,” but added that he does not believe the overseas will offer us a better economic-political deal than EU membership, but if they do, we must consider it. He added that China has given us the maximum offer; for them, Hungary’s EU membership is valuable, “unlike the Americans, who are constantly suggesting that we should leave.” China’s offer is to “participate in each other’s modernization,” while also considering the differences in scale.

“When it comes to world system changes, there is also a need for a “Hungarian grand strategy,” the Prime Minister stated. He explained that the existing sectoral action plans, generally started in 2010 and running until 2030, will be completed. However, during a world system change that may last for centuries, this will no longer be sufficient. The basis of the Hungarian grand strategy is connectivity, where we do not allow ourselves to be locked into either the emerging Western or Eastern world economy; we must be present in both. Moreover, we do not participate in the war against the East, nor in the technological and trade blockades, Viktor Orbán emphasized. 

The Prime Minister stated that another essential principle in the strategy is sovereignty protection based on economic foundations. These economic foundations include national champions, competitive mid-sized companies, companies producing for the domestic market, and small- and medium-sized enterprises. He added that the current Hungarian grand strategy is still “raw and rough,” meaning it is not digestible and not understandable to the public, requiring another half year to reach this state.

According to the Prime Minister, the common essence on which the grand strategy must be built is freedom, including individual freedom.

The political strategy that leads the grand strategy to victory must also start from this – added Viktor Orbán, noting that this spans a time frame of 20-25 years. He said that political opponents would continuously attack the grand strategy and attempt to achieve integration. 

“The liberal zeitgeist will line up the opponent for battle. However, the national camp only emerges at the sound of the trumpet, so nationally-minded, bold, young warriors are sought after.”

Edited by Ivan Hajda


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