Have we become: armchair drone operators firing hate missiles? Or rather droids?

Have we become: armchair drone operators firing hate missiles? Or rather droids?

In recent years (let’s say 20 years and specifically the creation of FB) such dehumanization has been carried out against man and as an individual, human being, person, father, mother, child, brother…. , they have made society so that we no longer see sentient human beings on the other side, but a blinking 01010001 digital dot, who can be attacked at any time, even driven into the ground, or eliminated if we send a hate commando or discredit, etc.

In the 90s, if someone remembers him or recalls the music of Bruce Springsteen , Nena , Scorpions , Pink Floyd, – or just his own youth before the turn of the millennium – there are not liberals and nationalists, not Democrats and Republicans, not Fidesz or communists, not pro-migration and we saw in each other those who wanted to wage war, but boys, girls, pretty girls and less so, handsome guys or not so much.., but everyone was pro-peace, we could judge what was bad and everyone knew what was good!

Family unity and the role of parents are unquestionable, the importance of peace was fundamental even after the biggest cold war and oil crisis, or regime change.

Murder is a terrible thing and causes public outrage, and war is a catastrophe and not “one of many other events”…. something that no sane person would support and do everything to avoid!

Unfortunately, a significant part of people now works like the Milgram experiment, that they would simply press the button, no matter who is on the “other end of the line” 🙁

Nowadays, even the average person has been socialized due to the stupid technological reprogramming or the background power doctrine, just like the American drone operator soldier sitting in the container in the Nevada desert, who, without any emotional connection, 8,000 kilometers away, without batting an eye, shoots up a wedding in Iraq with a rocket!

This is what we have become: armchair drone operators firing hate missiles.

But rather droids. (Respect to the exception. – I hope there are most of the latter and the exception does not strengthen the rule, but the hope!) ….🗣️

Translated and edited by Ivan Hajda


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