Twilight of the Gods


Richard Wagner’s three-act opera of the same name, the last and fourth piece of the four-act opera series, The Ring of the Nibelung. In two years, it will be the 150th anniversary of its premiere in Bayreuth. It would be a cheap joke to wonder under what conditions the connoisseur public will be able to celebrate the illustrious occasion, if there will ever be one. Will Germany, and the whole world with it, be in such a state that the Bayreuth Festival Games, which are the same age as opera, will be able to be organized that summer as well? How much will the sensitivities of the LGBTQ communities be hurt by the obviously antipathetic, hypercomplicated symbol system of Wagner’s works based on the Nibelungsong? Will there be a threat of terrorism, will the migrants harass the female guests coming to the event, or will they voice their displeasure in the form of knife attacks? Will they be outraged by the event, which completely ignores the fundamentals of Islam, and will the muezzin’s song calling the faithful to prayer disturb the aria of the daughters of the three norns, Erda, conceived from ancient material, as they weave the thread of fate and doom?

After the introduction, which may seem a bit impressionistic, I have the good news that we seem to have succeeded. The twilight of the gods follows, and with it, the Great Reset planned for Western hegemony, due to lack of interest, will be postponed, at least for the time being. This seemingly bold prognosis is supported by trends. The processes that led to the fact that by 2024, the globalist elite received and continue to receive serious wounds from those parts of the world’s societies who, for the time being, are able to express their opinions in relatively clear conditions in various elections.

In our narrower homeland, Europe, the results of the EU elections caused tectonic movements in the dominant states. In France, Macron called for early elections on the 19th, the first round of which did not go according to his plans, and regardless of the final result, he managed to seriously shake his own power. In England, which is no longer a member of the EU, but remains the continent’s dominant power, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak – who is most compatible with the intentions of the global system in terms of his origins – managed to completely destroy the flagship of the classic British party system, the Conservative Party, whose supporters are already there they are knocking around Nigel Farage’s Reform Party, which is organized along patriotic and sovereignist principles.

The AFD, which, according to good German traditions, is trying to be wiped off the face of the earth, but certainly from the political battlefield, with the help of administrative and secret service methods, as well as street aggressions, which are becoming more and more fashionable in our time, can sweep away the global/American government coalition in Germany. The great effort paid off, as the AFD, systemically de-Nazified by the mainstream, is the most popular political group in the territory of the former GDR, and in the west it “marches” directly in the corner of the CDU/CSU. We could list more examples of the EU member states, but staying with the trends, it is clear that the most trendy political course in the near future will be sovereignty. It was negative news, but the fact that Klaus Schwab is leaving the head of the WEF (World Economic Forum) is very much in line with the positive trend. He was one of the main ideologues of the globalists, the mastermind of the Great Reset, the main implementer and communicator of the new background power order. It has not been revealed whether he is leaving of his own volition, or whether his employers paid for his failures, his resignation is a real victim of the world politics chessboard.

Let’s not leave without a word the new, sovereignist – according to the mainstream, “far-right” – European Parliament formation that is being formed at the time of our closure. The Hungarian Prime Minister cut his ax into a giant tree – as usual – by trying to unite the sovereign forces, who for the time being are eyeing each other with suspicion, divided and sometimes behaving like sullen little children. If it succeeds, it will be possible to counterbalance the globalist influence in the Union. Of course, this also requires putting egos in the background, as well as a high degree of insight and empathic ability. Viktor Orbán apparently gained new strength from the opportunity. He paints a fresh, decisive and energetic image of himself, skilfully exploits the institutional framework provided by the EU presidency, according to which he speaks, declares and negotiates not as the prime minister of the small Hungary of 10 million, but as the president of the EU. This is also a huge advantage on communication platforms, because due to its legitimacy, even the mainstream media is forced to write down its name on a daily basis without the usual negative clichés. It would be foolish to think that the “most democratic of all democratic worlds”, the European Union, is ruled by a “dictator”. All of this is such a blow to the hand-controlled, globalist institutional system that crisis teams have already been formed, small groups imagining themselves as think tanks, analytical workshops are afraid of the winds of the new times.

This is where the current state of the United States, which is increasingly drowning in farce as the elections approach, comes to mind. The world’s leading power has a president who is now clearly unaware of the world around him, perhaps he still knows his family members, but he often misses the continents and the events taking place there. In the presidential candidate debate, which is usual at this time, he attacked Trump so severely and spectacularly (unlike usual, now only figuratively) that even the democratic politicians, businessmen and mainstream media who support him are holding their heads and begging for his resignation. Fortunately, there is no problem because his family is standing by Biden. The First Lady and scandal-on-scandal prodigal son Hunter—who may very well spend the rest of his life in prison or free on whether his father remains the boss—strongly and consistently stand up to the most underpowered and mentally retarded of all time. next to the American president in state. If it remains this way, even the electoral frauds that can be enveloped and the millions of migrants imported from the southern half of the continent (who, by the way, already receive the right to vote in some states and the accompanying ID card) will not save the most harmful democratic clans in the history of the United States (Obama, Clinton, Biden, etc.) from the fall. Of course, this would be salvation itself for the rest of the world.

In addition to the institutionalized sovereignty, those social self-organizations that apostrophize themselves as patriotic movements and formulate goals that can still be described as radical and extreme, such as e.g. the “remigration”. With their creation and existence, these movements support political movements and strengthen the creation of the necessary mass bases.

The twilight of the gods, if not in the Wagnerian or Germanic mythological sense, can be classified as one of today’s realities. We have no reason to fear the cleansing fire, the rebirth. And for the time being, friendly winds are blowing from the east. They have already shaken off the yoke of the pompous, pompous, pedantic, self-satisfied, little Western globalist “blue gods”, which is why they are watching our struggle with interest mixed with sympathy. Now it’s our turn.

Ivan Hajda


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